
Supply and laying of asphalt mix – Construction of logistic park, general goods storage, access, car and pedestrian circulation, parking lots, green spaces, land fencing and utilities

Detalii proiect

  • Project Name: Execution of Acceleration and Deceleration Lane DNCB - Access Stefănești
  • Completion date: April 2020
  • Location: Ștefănești, Ilfov
  • Sector: Infrastructure
  • Surface area: 2500 sqm


Supply and laying of asphalt mix – Construction of logistic park, general goods storage, access, car and pedestrian circulation, parking lots, green spaces, land fencing and utilities

Detalii proiect

  • Project Name: Execution of Acceleration and Deceleration Lane DNCB - Access Stefănești
  • Completion date: April 2020
  • Location: Ștefănești, Ilfov
  • Sector: Infrastructure
  • Surface area: 2500 sqm